In the summer of 2024, Heidi was a young mom shepherding her 5 kittens across a busy road to a commercial setting and parking lot. Her kittens were all rescued and now it’s her turn to find a home. She has blossomed from a skinny, scared girl to a feisty and vocal young lady. Heidi enjoys being outside and holds her own with other cats. She is now comfortable with people, unless you try to pick her up! She will not be a cuddly lap cat. She could easily be that bossy barn or shop cat, with lots of food and heated quarters. She will weave around your legs and let you know Heidi is in the building.

Suggested sponsorship is $30/Month

To setup your monthly donation you will be redirected to From there you can click on the monthly donation button, enter the appropriate amount for the animal you intent to sponsor, and in the messages box please specify which animal you are sponsoring.