Thank you for everyone that came and gathered with us to celebrate 30 years!!! We did it!! It would not have been possible without our amazing supporters and volunteers throughout the years. It truly was an incredible day!
Here are some photos from the event, as well as some words from John Barrie about Pound Rescue’s founder Dr. Gabriele Barrie who started it all so many years ago, and who’s life we honour.
The Gopher, the Squirrel and the Ladybird
J.G. Barrie
There have been many stories told about Gabi and her cats and dogs. There were other creatures too, like squirrels, gophers, birds and insects.
We had a dog named Charlie who was big as a horse and very intimidating. However, he was a very friendly dog. Once when Gabi was taking him for a walk, he came back to her with a baby gopher in his mouth. The gopher was not hurt but Gabi kept it in the basement and fed it often until it became independent. She released it in the field and fortunately, Charlie did not try to bring it back…
People in the neighbourhood often brought her baby birds that fell from their nests. These required a lot more work since they needed food every few hours. Most of them survived and were released by Gabi.
Once someone called her to their home because two squirrels seemed to be tangled together. She was able to free their tails, and they happily scurried up a tree chattering their thanks to her.
Then there was the insect. No not a mosquito which she wouldn’t harm anyway. This one was a ladybug. These are called Ladybirds in the UK and Marienkaefer in Germany. It is a creature that is special for me and my children. They loved these little insects and would free them when they came indoors.
Living things can sense someone who may care for them. Many years ago, Gabi was on the C-train to downtown Calgary. She was pleasantly surprised when a ladybird landed on her arm. It stayed there for most of the journey. Shortly before her stop, she noticed it had disappeared. She panicked. The poor creature may get trodden underfoot in the crowded train. She was too embarrassed to search for the wayward stowaway. However, when she waited to disembark, it was back on her arm and, when the door opened, it flew off.
In the movie ‘Pocahontas’ there is a song that many of us have heard. I love the lyrics and the melody of that song. It is called The Colors of the Wind. One of the verses goes like this:
The rainstorm and the river are my brothers
The heron and the otter are my friends
And we are all connected to each other
In a circle, in a hoop, that never ends
In her last days Gabi wrote about how we are all connected to each other. All of us here today are still connected with her. All of you will inspire others to be more compassionate to each other and to our dear animals which includes gophers, squirrels, birds and ladybirds.
Gabi is at peace now. She is back in Berlin not far from the home where she grew up, under a tall walnut tree. When I was there a few months ago, on a warm afternoon, I sat on the bench near her resting place. The birds were singing her praises. The squirrels were chattering in the oaks and the willows.
I couldn’t see the ladybird, but I am sure it was there in the rose bushes in the earth that holds my life’s companion.