Holiday Hours

Pound Rescue will now be closed Sundays. If you have an emergency please call a vet or local animal shelter.

We also will be closed Dec 23-26th for the holiday season, with the exception being for adoptions.

30th Anniversary

Thank you for everyone that came and gathered with us to celebrate 30 years!!! We did it!! It would not have been possible without our amazing supporters and volunteers throughout the years. It truly was an incredible day!

Here are some photos from the event, as well as some words from John Barrie about Pound Rescue’s founder Dr. Gabriele Barrie who started it all so many years ago, and who’s life we honour.

The Gopher, the Squirrel and the Ladybird
J.G. Barrie

There have been many stories told about Gabi and her cats and dogs.  There were other creatures too, like squirrels, gophers, birds and insects.

We had a dog named Charlie who was big as a horse and very intimidating. However, he was a very friendly dog. Once when Gabi was taking him for a walk, he came back to her with a baby gopher in his mouth. The gopher was not hurt but Gabi kept it in the basement and fed it often until it became independent. She released it in the field and fortunately, Charlie did not try to bring it back…

People in the […]

Crate Training

Did you know that it’s not common in Europe to have crates in your home for dogs? It’s even illegal in Finland and Sweden to crate your dogs except for transportation. So why is it such a widespread practice in North America? It’s been proven over and over that it’s more for the owner than the dog. We are told it is safer for the dog…..but is there other choices easier and just as safe for them? We believe so! We believe your dog’s safe place is close to you, in your loving home, with a bed/spot for him/her to go when and if they choose. Not somewhere that they are ‘taught’ or ‘forced’ to learn as their safe place. Please realize that selling crates has become a huge industry and a money maker for pet stores as well as ‘trainers’ that add ‘crate training’ to their lesson plans.
We realize that puppies can chew things that are dangerous or they may not be housetrained so you don’t want to deal with that, but toddlers (children we are referring to) also get into stuff they shouldn’t. Will we become a society that locks our children up in an enclosure to […]

Dr. Gabriele Barrie

We are saddened to announce the passing of Pound Rescue’s founder and president Dr. Gabriele Barrie. Gabi, as most knew her, started Pound Rescue in 1994. She was able to implement a TNR (trap, neuter/spay, return) program in Okotoks at that time and eliminated the stray cat problem for over 20 yrs. Her contribution to this town and outlying areas was second to none in regards to animal welfare. She has helped tens of thousands of animals including dogs, cats, rabbits, and birds. She was an advocate for animals and was an activist striving to better the lives of all animals. Her presence will be greatly missed. Pound Rescue will continue to be a voice and helper for the abandoned, the injured, and the mistreated. 
We extend a special Thank You to her family who also sacrificed so much for this rescue. Our thoughts and condolences to them at this time. 
Gabi will be greatly missed and would want all of you to be the voice for the animals, advocate for change, to of course love your pets, and for everyone to help those that need us the most

Blanket Donations Needed

It’s that time of year and we have many feral colonies needing good thick quilts, blankets, or sleeping bags. Please PM us or text 403-816-0886 or drop off at Pet Planet in Okotoks if you have any to spare to donate. Please help.


Sadly we are overcapacity and can not take in anymore cats/kittens. Without fosters and adoptions we can not help. We suggest that you try larger rescues as they have facilities to house cats/kittens. We, as a society, need to help these animals. Please if you can keep the cat, please do so. Put out an insulated structure with heat if possible. If not use straw in it. Feed them and care for them. We may be able to help with spay/neuter. We are a small rescue with limited resources and help. We appreciate your understanding and your helping these cats/kittens, you may be their only hope.

Foster Needed

AGAIN?? HOW AND WHY DOES THIS STILL HAPPEN??? Have we not advanced pass this in society? Not realized the value of all, including animals?
The story: (like so many) Mom was sneaking up onto a families porch to get food. She, in herself, small and frostbite ear. Obviously not cared for enough to even put a proper shelter out for her. She had kittens we were told by the concerned family. Not their cat but they believed cats matter. Didn’t know where they might be. So off went a volunteer to search. Luckily she heard some faint meows. Thank goodness they were found. They had been in a field with just tall grass as a protector. Only about 2 1/2-3 weeks old. As we recused them we saw hawks flying around. They too looking for food, these little ones could have easily been their next meal. With winter coming what chance did they have in a field? Mom soon came to the families porch for food. She was friendly so it wasn’t hard to get her into a crate with her kittens. Where to go?? It’s always so last minute and never expected so we don’t have anywhere for them […]


Kittens/cats and more kittens/cats. We have recently been called to a home that there is now an overflow of cats and kittens. The owner of the home has been trying to help them as best she can but just wasn’t able to fix them. They came from a wild momma and in just a short year from one came 15 now. We are trying to help her as best we can but have no room for more cats and no fosters for wild cats. Although some of the younger ones will approach you they keep their distance. We are desperately looking for a few nice farmer who will be able to lick them up in a safe area for at least two weeks so they get used to being there and will supply heat and food for them. They come fixed and we just ask for a donation when possible to help others that will need it.
Please if you can take in a few cats/kittens let us know.

Foster Homes Needed!

Happiness is fostering, as Ela’s smile tells you. And she does not just foster pups…
We need foster homes for all ages and kinds.

We currently have 4 dogs that we have no place to put due to the high demand we have for foster homes. Please consider filling out a foster application.

Bishop O’Byrne High School

A huge and special shout-out to the students of Bishop O’Byrne High School in Shawnessy and their construction teacher Scott Tkachuk for building these dog houses for us, to go to places most needed. Just look at this great bunch of young men and women! All of you, have a wonderful Christmas.


Our “A” group of kittens are now up for adoption.
Please note that we adopt bonded siblings out in groups of 2 or 3 only.

Why We Adopt In Pairs

We adopt kittens out in pairs only. Where one is, goes the other. They play together, sleep together, eat together and love their human, together. Some, those who do not really understand cats, or do not know much about them, think this is kind of a sales pitch of ours to adopt out more cats. Sadly, we adopt out less, lose out to other rescue groups who still let their kittens go alone and be lonely, to those people who for whichever reason want only one. We feel for these kittens. We are not about numbers, but wellness and happiness of the cats. There is no doubt that two kittens that are allowed to grow up and remain together enjoy a better and more fulfilled life than solitary kept cats, so we do not make exceptions. These two, Eleven and Baily, are the last of their litter to go, sweet as sweet can be, used to dogs, to kids, well played with. We will not split them up. Rescue, after all, is not just letting them live, or adopt them out because someone wants one so we get space for more, but because we love cats, and want to […]

Zuzu is Adopted!

Another great announcement, Zuzu has been officially adopted. Thank you so much to her new family, who have opened their home and lives to this new addition. We are so happy for you Zuzu.

We Need Your Help

Our youngest volunteer at work, socializing a kitten. We can always use the help. Right now we are currently putting out a plea for foster homes, this is one of the most needed things we require as a rescue. With out foster homes we can no longer take on new animals that need our care.

We need homes for momma cats with kittens, kittens, puppies and also young and older dogs. Please fill out an application by clicking below. Our rescue is located in Okotoks Alberta and would like to keep our fosters as close to us as possible. Calgary south and close community’s to us would be ever so helpful.


Millarville Community School

Big shout out to this incredible trio:
Hale Tosh, Alex Matovich and Angie Smith in Mrs. Lipiski’s Grade 5 at Millarville Community School.

They were assigned to do a project, PYP Exhibition, with a central Idea- respecting animals. So they decided to feature Pound Rescue as their focus. They invited Pound Rescue to the school and did a lengthy interview with a volunteer to better understand our philosophy, our commitment and duties within the community and within Pound Rescue.

When asked what they felt it meant to respect animals their answer was, “It is our responsibility to respect animals. Respect means creating, maintains and providing a healthy environment for animals to exist in.”
Such intuitive, smart future animal advocates. Thank you Alex, Hale and Angie for all your hard work, you’re help to make people understand who Pound Rescue is, and for collecting these well needed donations.

Foster Homes Needed

We are in desperate need of more foster homes!!
It is kitten season, and we have several litters of young kittens who need a safe place to grow a little more before they can be adopted out.
Our dogs Sophie and Milly are also looking for a foster home together. Do you have space in your heart and home for these two extremely bonded friends, until they find their forever home?


FOUND: Male Cat

FOUND. This male cat has been around the area of Sunrise Loop S.E. High River since around May 27th or so. No ID and unaltered. He seems fairly young, super friendly. We are hoping that this post will bring forward his family. Please contact us if you have any information on this boy.


The day when rescues,humane societies present their cutest pups or kittens together with their moms,in the hopes of adoptions, and maybe much needed donations.So do we. Mother’s Day,it is a celebration of life, motherhood and love.None of us is immune to that joy, that sense of wonder, that admiration and feeling of coziness and warmth seeing a mama cat care for her babies.Cats,most likely the best moms in the world. But with those feelings,at an animal shelter,come other feelings.Feelings that others do not care. The fear, the uncertainty,the what if when.What if again there are no adoptions? We still have kittens of last year, now cats.Sitting with their moms,still cuddled up to them, now adult cats.No one wanted,or needed them.What if no one wants today’s too? When then will we have to close our doors, as it becomes impossible to take them all,take in more? Knowing those we refuse will perish? For last year’s moms, there was not even an application.Just so, so many cats looking for homes.Featured Honey,ears frozen off in the winter, she came to us with six(one died) 3 week old kittens, we took her on.Together with 3 dogs and 5 other cats,all unfixed,from […]

Our Kittens

Looking on, while life is passing them by? Cute? Kittens in the window, in one of our foster homes. Most people, once they know the
kittens are brought into one of our foster homes just breathe a sigh of
relief. Thank God. Save. Warm. Fed. Looked after. Some think this is
even cute, completely disregarding, or blocking out of their mind, that there is nothing cute about surplus, homeless, discarded kittens. No matter what they look like, or how sweet they might play with each other. Some might not like the comparison: In the news, we
get lots of opportunities right now to see displaced children in danger, for their welfare or life. Our reaction is sorrow, dismay, maybe anger, we would not say how cute they look, to then simply switch to the next channel. At least, hopefully not. Yet when we display our kittens in order to find them a home, save them, people with their kids flock to the cages as if we were a petting zoo, laughing, wanting to hold one, asking for age and name and how adorable they are, assuring us that they would help if they only could, assuring us that they are so glad […]

Foster Homes Needed

Pound Rescue needs foster homes for dogs, especially over the summer. Some experience with dogs is necessary. Preferably no other pets or small kids, a secure fence, a lot of time and love, no plans to go away over the summer. We cover the rest.



Do your ears hang low? Do they wobble to and fro?
Kids and kittens have so much in common, especially the need for happiness! Their ears should never hang low! As you can see, with these kittens, they stand up perfectly! And so are the kittens. Perfect when it comes to love and affection, for each other and any person they meet. Perfect in their zest for life, for play, jumping, running, chasing everything that moves. Doing somersaults and dangling of the chair, falling down to get up again and start playing all over. Their ears stand high, yet their little hind legs wobble to and fro as a result of their mom contracting feline distemper when she was pregnant with them. A horrible but with vaccination well preventable disease. She gave birth, licked them clean, nursed them one first and last time and died. We found her, within a whole colony of feral cats, curled up around her kittens, as a last desperate attempt to keep them warm and safe. Another mom from this colony, one who was immune to distemper, took them over, raised them as her own. Florence Nightingale, the most famous cat lady of all times, […]

Urgent: Foster Home Needed

URGENT: Looking for a foster home for a single dog. Must not have other dogs and prefer someone that is home a lot. Sweet loving dog. Please fill out an application to foster. Fill Out an Application

We Remember

Heather MacEven Foran
May 3, 1939 – May 18, 2017

“We need another and a wiser and perhaps a more mystical concept about animals. Remote from universal nature and living by complicated artifice, man in civilization surveys the creature through the glass of his knowledge and sees thereby a feather magnified and the whole image in distortion. We patronize them for their incompleteness, for their tragic fate of having taken form so far below ourselves. And therein do we ere. For the animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complete than ours, they move finished and complete, gifted with he extension of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren,they are not underlings: they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendor and travail of the earth.” Henry Beston

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day. A happy day for most. Flowers, cake, tons of ice cream, and taking mom to the restaurant. Cards proclaiming love and gratitude, decorated with pictures of flowers, hearts, mother cats and kittens, momma dogs and pups, and all kinds of other baby animals. As for us, an animal rescue organisation, this Mother’s Day, we chose to feature the picture of a mother cow and her baby. Becoming for Alberta. Cattle, here a cow and her calf, hold one of the closest bonds in the animal world. Amazing and wonderful to witness. Cows would walk for miles to find their calf, will tell them apart from hundreds of others. When calves are taken away from their mothers, each time, the cow bellows for days, mourning the loss of her child. Heart wrenching to listen to. A sad, longing, desperate call, day and night. Dairy calves are taken away from their moms after 24 hours, this is how long their time with their mom lasts, the one and only day they get together. One short day to lick them, nuzzle them, let them nurse, comfort them. The cow’s milk is for us, not for their calves; our babies, not […]

A Dog Crate Is a Cage Is a Prison

What if, at your local pet-supply store, you could purchase a dog-training tool that would make your dog weaker, klutzier, and less intelligent? And what if this tool increased your dog’s frustration and fearfulness about the world and made him or her less likely to bond with you? Would you buy it? Of course not! Yet, millions of these “tools” are sold every year to unsuspecting American dog lovers who want the absolute best for their dogs. The tool is a “crate,” which is just a euphemism for a cage. In fact, dog crates are substantially smaller than the cages that are used to house dogs in laboratories.

Read more:

One Day…

ONE DAY we hope to not see these images, ONE DAY we hope to not have to work all day to help the abandoned, abused and left to die. ONE DAY we hope that people get it and have their pets fixed. ONE DAY we hope shelters are only used to hold pets for a day if lost to be reunited with their owners because they were micro-chipped or tattooed.

These two sweet loving dogs were two I had to leave behind on my latest trip visiting a shelter. On their last few weeks before likely euthanasia. This is the reality of not fixing animals. The sadness and reality of living the last 3 months of your life in these small cages. Getting out if you’re lucky once a day in solitaire. Watching possible families pass your cage day after day to find a cuter dog, easier dog, more acceptable purebred. Just wanting that chance to show how good he/she can be once loved by the right people.

Until we can have our “ONE DAY” please adopt from rescues and shelters. Please have your pet fixed and either micro-chipped and/or tattoo. Just because a dog/cat is in a shelter doesn’t mean it […]