Our "A" group of kittens are now up for adoption. Please note that we adopt bonded siblings out in groups of 2 or 3 only.
Our "A" group of kittens are now up for adoption. Please note that we adopt bonded siblings out in groups of 2 or 3 only.
We adopt kittens out in pairs only. Where one is, goes the other. They play together, sleep together, eat together and love their human, together. Some, those who do not really understand cats, or do not know much about them, think this is kind of a sales pitch of ours to adopt out more cats. [...]
Another great announcement, Zuzu has been officially adopted. Thank you so much to her new family, who have opened their home and lives to this new addition. We are so happy for you Zuzu.
Our youngest volunteer at work, socializing a kitten. We can always use the help. Right now we are currently putting out a plea for foster homes, this is one of the most needed things we require as a rescue. With out foster homes we can no longer take on new animals that need our care. [...]
Big shout out to this incredible trio: Hale Tosh, Alex Matovich and Angie Smith in Mrs. Lipiski’s Grade 5 at Millarville Community School. They were assigned to do a project, PYP Exhibition, with a central Idea- respecting animals. So they decided to feature Pound Rescue as their focus. They invited Pound Rescue to the school [...]
We are in desperate need of more foster homes!! It is kitten season, and we have several litters of young kittens who need a safe place to grow a little more before they can be adopted out. Our dogs Sophie and Milly are also looking for a foster home together. Do you have space in [...]
FOUND. This male cat has been around the area of Sunrise Loop S.E. High River since around May 27th or so. No ID and unaltered. He seems fairly young, super friendly. We are hoping that this post will bring forward his family. Please contact us if you have any information on this boy.
The day when rescues,humane societies present their cutest pups or kittens together with their moms,in the hopes of adoptions, and maybe much needed donations.So do we. Mother's Day,it is a celebration of life, motherhood and love.None of us is immune to that joy, that sense of wonder, that admiration and feeling of coziness and warmth [...]
Looking on, while life is passing them by? Cute? Kittens in the window, in one of our foster homes. Most people, once they know the kittens are brought into one of our foster homes just breathe a sigh of relief. Thank God. Save. Warm. Fed. Looked after. Some think this is even cute, completely disregarding, [...]
Pound Rescue needs foster homes for dogs, especially over the summer. Some experience with dogs is necessary. Preferably no other pets or small kids, a secure fence, a lot of time and love, no plans to go away over the summer. We cover the rest.